"During the process of letting go, you lose much from the past, but you find yourself."

– Deepak Chopra

Discover the Beauty and Strength of Your True Self

Our inner world is often filled with doubts, anxiety, and a negative self-image. When we look in the mirror, insead of seeing who we truly are, we see a version of ourselves molded by societal expectations and past experiences. The Freedom Project is a transformative experience designed to help you release these distorted images and uncover the beauty and strength of your true self.


Rewrite Your Self-Image Through the Power of Creative Therapy

If traditional therapeutic methods have not brought the change you are looking for, this creative approach may be the solution. By using images, you are able to break through internal barriers, allowing you to rewrite your self-narrative. It offers a gentle but powerful method to help you break free from feeling stuck, and simultaneously provides you with an empowering perspective on your future.

Creating a New Self-Image

Through phototherapy, you will have the opportunity to replace old, painful narratives with a fresh, powerful, and positive image of yourself. This transformation provides a gentle but profound shift in how you view your life. The photographs act as mirrors, allowing you to see yourself as a woman who is courageous, capable of loving and accepting herself in any situation.
We work together in a safe, non-judgmental space where you can fully be yourself, embracing both your strengths and vulnerabilities. The photographs will reflect not only your outer appearance but also your inner world, helping you unleash the strength and beauty that has always been within you.


How Does It Work?

The process lasts two to three months and includes five online mentoring sessions using art therapy and phototherapy tools (photo genogram, life tree, journaling prompts, career mask creation, etc.). The methods are customized based on the individual’s needs, and selected in collaboration with the client depending on their specific situation. Additionally, there will be one photography session.
You will explore your inner potential while acquiring tools that will continue to support your personal growth long after the sessions end. As you become more confident of your place in the world, your determination and courage to achieve your goals will grow. You will be able to see yourself with fresh eyes, discovering aspects of yourself you may not have noticed before.

If you would like to learn more about the program, please contact me: