"Each photograph functions as a kind of mirror, reflecting not only our past and our story but also how we currently feel."

– Judy Weiser, creator of the phototherapy method

How Does Phototherapy Work?

Phototherapy is an art therapy method that uses photographs to help individuals access and express emotions. Participants can express themselves, from their experience of a single event to their whole life stories, using photos. This allows them to view their experiences from a new perspective, which facilitates processing difficulties and deepens self-awareness. The essence of this method is to use the images to ask questions, so that the participant can discover information about themselves that they may have not been previously aware of.

How Can Phototherapy Help?

Dealing with emotional difficulties: Anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.
Dialogue with the inner critic: Transforming negative self-talk and improving self-esteem.
Processing trauma and loss: Coping with challenging life situations such as grief, divorce, abuse, and physical or emotional trauma.
Improving relationships: Understanding and improving relationships with oneself and others, especially in family and romantic contexts.
Resolving family or relationship problems: Understanding and resolving conflicts.
Building confidence and self-image: Managing low self-esteem and insecurity.
Boosting creativity: Gaining self-awareness through creative processes.
Managing stress and burnout: A useful tool for coping with stress.
Seeking identity and life purpose: Especially important at critical life moments like career changes or midlife crises.
Body image and self-acceptance: Useful in cases of eating disorders or body image issues.
Social difficulties: Addressing integration problems and social anxiety.
Adapting to life changes: Processing new life circumstances such as a new job,
moving, or the birth of a child.

How Do Phototherapy Sessions Work?

• Conducted in individual or group settings.
• Incorporates interactive exercises: Image creation, analysis, and discussion of photos
taken or brought by the participants.
• Emotional and symbolic analysis of images: Uncovering and discussing the emotional
messages embedded in the images.
• Uses creative tools: Transforming photos into collages or montages.
The goal is to process emotions, gain self-understanding, and improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being through the use of photographs.


“With her attentive, empathetic approach, she created a safe, loving atmosphere where I could open up bravely and honestly… She introduced interesting new aspects that helped me a lot.”

“A positive, enthusiastic helper who is right where she belongs, loving and enjoying her work. She is creative and responds confidently to unexpected situations. Her personality creates a safe space for opening up.”

“She has the knowledge down to a fine art, pointing out connections that I hadn’t noticed before. She is very kind and understanding.”

Learn more about phototherapy: Judy Weiser Interview - YouTube


If you would like to express and process your emotions and thoughts visually, or if you are interested in the world of photography in a different way, join the phototherapy sessions. You can sign up here: